Survey of Medical Students’ Career Perceptions

Dear medical student,

We would like to invite you to participate in research on the career perceptions of medical students studying in the UK. This work is being conducted by researchers at the University of Birmingham and Aston University and is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. 

We are hoping to gain responses from a wide cross-section of UK-based medical students so that we can understand how medical students from different backgrounds are similar or different in terms of their perceptions of career opportunities and challenges. The data gathered will be used for research purposes and to support future medical school cohorts.

Participation is voluntary. If you decide to take part, you will be free to withdraw at any time prior to submitting the questionnaire . This survey data is being collected anonymously and it will not be possible to trace your response back to you. To participate in this study, please follow this link. The questionnaire should take about 20 minutes to complete.  

This research has received ethics approval from the University of Birmingham Humanities and Social Sciences Ethics Committee and approval from the Medical Schools Council to send to Medical Schools. If you have any concerns or queries about this study, please contact the Principal Investigator – Professor Etlyn Kenny, University of Birmingham –

Thank you for your support.

Professor Etlyn Kenny, Professor Jo Duberley, Dr Chris Darko, Dr Ashok Patnaik (University of Birmingham)

Professor Dulini Fernando (Aston University)