British Rhinological Society Juniors

The BRS Juniors Committee are excited to announce our first speaker event for 2024.

“Past, present and future of surgical training in ENT”

Speaker: Professor Valerie Lund

One of the most highly praised, nominated for teaching awards and pioneers in ENT training in London – Professor Dame Valerie Lund is Professor Emeritus of Rhinology at the Ear Institute, University College London and is an Honorary Consultant ENT Surgeon at the Royal National ENT Hospital, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust. She deals with all nose and sinus conditions with a particular interest in sinonasal tumours and has been involved in endoscopic sinus surgery and its extended applications since the early 1980’s. She has contributed extensively to the literature with 36 books and monographs, 86 chapters and over 320 peer-reviewed papers and has lectured widely, delivering 19 eponymous lectures. 

Date: Wednesday 28th February

Time: 19:00

Venue: Virtual/Zoom

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