Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2024

An independent, national event, designed to share learning
Our national poster competition Deadline for poster entries is 6th March 2024 Last year we received 239 poster entries from across the UK and 154 posters were shortlisted to be presented. A first prize was awarded in each poster group.

New resources for poster competition entrants
– Our new abstract guidance highlights what judges will be looking for 
– See recordings of prizewinning presentations including judges’ follow up questions from 2023
– A summary of  the difference between QI and audit See our 2024 poster competition here

Conference Programme
Keynote from Dame Clare Gerada, Dr Ron Daniels on Sepsis, Nicola Davey on QI; Susan Rodway KC on consent
Workshops include Human Factors; Medico-legal pitfalls – see more

Poster competition
Shortlisted entries for 160 poster places receive:
An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation at a national conference* A discounted delegate rate of £179 (no VAT).Co-authors also qualify for the discounted rate.National conference poster presenter certificate

There will be a first prize and runner up for each poster group* 2.5-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&AWho should apply? – junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, paramedics, physician associates, medical students,  those working in care settings, and anyone with a QI or patient safety project to share

Our new abstract guidance
This is designed to to help you include information that the judges are looking for 

Project Introduction and Aims 

What was the scale of the problem? 
What was the problem or system dysfunction? 
How was it affecting patient care? 
What were you trying to achieve?

Include data in your description.
Can you describe your aim using the SMART goal format? (Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) 
How will you know change will be an improvement?more guidance here