Pass the PSA with MedTic

MedTic teaching, are a foundation doctor led organisation, who aim to provide free medical revision sessions to medical students in their clinical years. 

Part of this involves running a free 4-part Pass the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) course that runs every Thursday from the 11th of January, from 7-8pm. We know this assessment can be a source of anxiety for medical students, so that’s why we were hoping to circulate it to as many medical students & foundation trainees that have yet to complete the PSA.

The course runs as follows:

1️⃣ Intro to the PSA (11th Jan): general information about the exam and its contents, overview of how to use the BNF, how to be most efficient with your time and important resources

2️⃣ Prescribing section (18th Jan): learn how to prescribe, key high yield examples (including fluids, management of chronic conditions, anticoagulation etc.)

3️⃣ Prescribing review (25th Jan): tips on how to tackle the prescribing review section

4️⃣ The other sections (1st Feb): tips on the other sections (including planning management, providing information, adverse drug reactions, drug monitoring, data interpretation)

Here is where the link can be accessed for the recurring event: 

The course has been very popular in previous years with 250+ attendees last year.