High Impact Medicine

High Impact Medicine UK will be having our first in person conference on the 27th of January. We have 5 speakers from a variety of potentially high impact causes coming in to give talks and workshops.

With Doctors who have worked in Public Health, Biosecurity, Preventative Medicine, Charity entrepreneurship as well as other fields there presenting there will be something for you. There will be lunch as well as refreshments provided throughout the day.

We only have 30 spaces available for this conference so please fill this in as soon as you can. Full speaker list to be revealed closer to the date. https://forms.gle/rdytHYd9Yz5DrNEx6

Location: London, London effective altruism hub – Date: January 27 2024

Plan of the day: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-CsnNYa_i1JK1k-XFVn9H6lGAe1CisRPQhhtUvV4W_o/edit#heading=h.ya3h97xnmpmk”