Imperial College ethical approval EERP2223-005

Project Title: Stakeholder perceptions of the use of contextual information in selection processes by UK medical schools.


My name is Kate McCarthy, and I am writing to ask if you would like to take part in some research I am doing as part of my PhD at University College London. As part of this research, I am interested in how current Year 1 medical school students view the medical school admissions process. 

To be eligible you need to be:

• A year 1 medical student.

• Have studied your GCSEs and A-levels in the UK.

• Not be a Widening Participation (WP) student and not have been eligible for a Contextual Offer. 

Taking part in the research would involve: 

• Attending a focus group at your medical school lasting around 1 – 1.5 hours.

Refreshments and pizza will be provided during the focus group.

Participation is completely voluntary and after agreeing to take part you can still withdraw from the study up to four weeks after the focus group. You will not be named or identified in any published research.

This information will be used to make recommendations of how admissions processes can be improved, so whether you know lots about this or not very much, your views and opinions are valuable to the study. 

If you are interested in taking part in the research or would like more information, pleasecontact me at or my supervisor Professor Katherine

Thank you for taking the time to read this invitation,

Kate McCarthy