OSCE Express

We are excited to introduce OSCE Express – an all you need to know guide to final year OSCEs delivered by FY1s. Over 11 sessions, our crack team of foundation doctors will cover all the skills and tips you need to ace your practical exams, as well as providing free bespoke OSCE cases for you to finetune your skills.

  • ticked 11 session National OSCE guide delivered by expert Foundation Year 1 doctors.
  • ticked Free practice cases provided to all participants.
  • ticked Video exemplar guides to common finals OSCE scenarios.
  • ticked Running 1st November – 31st January every Wednesday from 19:00 – 20:30.
  • ticked Click here to join the meeting
  • ticked Meeting ID: 346 501 225 979 Passcode: XqRj57 

The session outline is as follows:

  • Session 1: Ward round note taking + Examinations
  • Session 2: Referring patients + prescribing medications
  • Session 3: Post-Op care + Surgical complications
  • Session 4: Pre-operative care
  • Session 5: Difficult conversations + ethics and professionalism
  • Session 6: Communication skills
  • Session 7: Deteriorating patients + emergency medicine
  • Session 8: Community Care Planning
  • Session 9: Multimorbidity and polypharmacy
  • Session 10: Handover + prioritisation
  • Session 11: Recap + Revision

We look forward to seeing you at the OsceExpress sessions, and ask that you please circulate this opportunity to all of your peers at your medical school.