Faculty of Natural Sciences Make-A-Difference competition

The final of the FoNS-MAD Competition takes place on 01 November, and the launch for 2023/24 will take place on 22 November. 

All UG students are welcome to attend both events- and the competition itself is open to students across College (as long as their team contains at least 1 FoNS student). With that in mind, it would be great if you could share the message below with your UG students.


The Faculty of Natural Sciences Make-A-Difference competition (FoNS-MAD) is open to all undergraduate students across the College.

The competition runs in 3 stages, with students working in teams (which must include at least one FoNS student) to develop low-cost technology that would have an impact on Society.

The top teams are given funding, lab space and a bursary to work on their project for 8 weeks over the summer. They then present their findings to an expert panel of VIP Judges and will compete for prizes of up to £7000.

We have two upcoming events that we’d like to invite you to: 

The Final Event for the 2022/23 competition will take place on Weds 01 November from 17.00. You can book your place here. At this event, the teams that took part in last year’s competition will present their projects to a panel of VIP judges and an invited audience of staff, students and guests. 

A drinks reception and buffet will follow the announcement of the winner.

Our 2023/24 competition Launch Event and 10 year Anniversary Celebration will take place on Weds 22 November from 17.30- you can register your place here

It’s the perfect opportunity to find out more about the competition, to hear inspiring stories from previous years’ winning teams, and to meet potential team-mates!

If you have any questions about the competition, please contact us at fonsmad@imperial.ac.uk, or take a look at our website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/fons-mad/