Widening Participation Medics Network Conference 2023 – Manchester University

On behalf of Widening Participation Medics Network (WPMN), I am very excited to share information about our annual conference: WPMN 2023! We aim to bring together aspiring medical students, medical students, and doctors from across the UK together to discuss how we can inspire positive change within the medical workforce. WPMN 2023 is taking place on Saturday 29th July at the University of Manchester. Tickets are free, with registration via MedAll: https://share.medall.org/events/wpmn-2023

We have a number of keynote speakers joining us, including Mr. Christian Macutkiewicz on behalf of the Pride in Surgery Forum discussing his personal experiences from a working class and LGBTQ+ background, and Dr. Declan Hyland from the Royal College of Psychiatry, focusing on their outreach strategy to those from a BAME background. Other topics at our conference include mental health and wellbeing as a healthcare professional, local Manchester widening participation programme, and the work carried out by the national charity Melanin Medics. Learn more about our speakers on our Instagram @wpmedicsnetwork. We are also running a national poster and oral presentation competition with the topic ‘Widening Participation in Medicine’, which will be showcased at the conference. Submit via: https://share.medall.org/events/wpmn-2023

Our national essay competition has the title ‘Will the Medical Doctor Degree Apprenticeship create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce?’ with prizes for the best entry from an aspiring medical student, medical student, and junior doctor. https://docs.google.com/forms/u/3/d/e/1FAIpQLScFGPlllcC-KRhzsznH-WfuY4hTQJDtK1ZODDyinG2bwDjjVg/viewform?usp=send_formIf you have any questions about WPMN 2023, please get in touch with our conference team on wpmnconference@gmail.com