National Student Mental Health-Improving Outcomes and Achievements Conference

Join us at the Supporting Student Mental Health-Improving Outcomes and Achievements conference. This will be the fifth national event dedicated to improving the mental health support provision within the Higher Education sector.

Joint working between providers and the NHS to support student mental health

Moving from school into university or college is a for lots of young people their first major life event. This transitional period can be difficult to navigate and can evoke negative responses, particularly on their mental health and wellbeing. University centric challenges such as living away from home for the first time, academic achievement pressures, establishing new networks and financial responsibilities can make students vulnerable to psychological problems. 

A survey of students published in 2022 revealed:

52% of students have a diagnosed mental health condition
32% of respondents’ well-being had worsened since starting university
50% of students surveyed have considered leaving their course
With 100 students taking their own life every year and almost a third of students highlighting mental health concerns as a key reason for considering leaving university, there needs to be more robust and responsive support provision.

The Supporting Student Mental Health-Improving Outcomes and Achievements conference will bring together key stakeholders involved with student welfare and will look to establish the scale of the problem, discuss some of the causes, identify risk and seek potential solutions. The programme incorporates key presentations from speakers with both personal and professional experience, allocated time for questions and discussion, interactive engagement, and casual networking.

Click here to view the full event: