APM Juniors Conference

The APM Juniors Conference 2022 is here! 

Taking place virtually on Saturday 12th November 2022, this conference is aimed primarily at helping medical students and pre-specialty training junior doctors explore their interest in palliative care, though all are welcome to attend. 

This year’s conference “Thinking Ahead: Palliative care on the wards” is inspired by the need to think ahead when caring for those with advanced illness in healthcare settings. We have an exciting list of speakers giving talks on useful topics for the wards such as anticipatory care planning and when to start thinking about palliative care for patients.

Additionally, the conference will be recorded so it will be possible to watch the talks back if you aren’t able to attend on the day. 

Submission entries

Please send any submissions to conference.apmj@gmail.com by noon 17th October 2022 for your chance to be featured in the conference!

Abstract submissions: For oral and poster presentations (max 300 words)

Medical Student Essay Competition: On the theme of “Thinking Ahead” (max 750 words) 

Review competition: This year we are running a review competition in conjunction with our conference media corner. Please submit a review of a book/series/film/podcast or other piece of work relating to palliative care (max 500 words) 


In order to buy tickets for the conference, please follow this link:

Ticket Prices:

Medical students £10

APM Members £15

Non-APM Member £20

Any questions please contact us on conference.apmj@gmail.com