National Essay Competition is a national society that aims to promote research and education on degenerative cervical myelopathy.

We are holding a national essay competition for medical students, which is a great opportunity for students to get the chance to win the prizes as outlined below and will also be useful for future applications when applying to specialty training.

Students have a choice of one of three essay titles:

1. Discuss how bioelectronics may influence the future of neurosurgery.

2. Does medical school prepare students to become neurosurgeons?3. To what extent is DCM a primary care problem? Discuss the medical, surgical and psychosocial factors that justify your answer.

Prizes are as below:

1st Prize: Two ebooks, ‘Idea of the Brain’ and ‘Oxford Handbook of Neurology’ (Sponsored By: Doctors Academy) and a 12-month subscription to Pastest (Sponsored By: Pastest)

2nd Prize: 12-month subscription to Pastest (Sponsored By: Pastest)

3rd Prize: 12-month subscription to Pastest (Sponsored By: Pastest)

All entries must be submitted to by 30 June 2023.

Details of the essay competition can also be found on