National Undergraduate ENT Conference

We are excited to share that the National Undergraduate ENT Conference is taking place on Saturday March 25th, 2023, at Guy’s Campus, London Bridge, London, SE1 1UL! We are proud to be accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and in partnership with the MDU, Geeky Medics, TeachMeSurgery, Tympa Health and SFO UK .

This full-day conference will consist of a morning of ground-breaking talks in a range of ENT subspecialties, listening to keynote sessions on robotics to gender confirming voice surgery. The afternoon is jam-packed full of workshops, allowing you to get stuck into simulation and clinical skills sessions. Included are further opportunities to network with those paving the way for the future of ENT, entrepreneurially, as well as senior clinician panellists who once stood in your shoes.

The day is open to all university students and foundation doctors, with lunch, refreshments and 6 CPD points included in the package.

All of this for £5, so grab some friends and take a day trip to London!

Abstract submissions for posters and oral presentations are OPEN! Deadline: Monday 13th March.

Link for abstract submissions and conference tickets:

Follow our socials to stay updated!


