ICSM x Manchester University Clinical Reasoning Project for final years!

Calling all final year students who have completed their GP block! 

We are getting in touch to provide the opportunity to be involved in a national research project on clinical reasoning. This is a collaboration between Manchester Medical School and Imperial College London. 

Diagnostic errors are a significant cause of patient harm worldwide, and the most significant contributor to diagnostic error are deficiencies in clinical reasoning (CR). There is a growing area of interest around how we should teach clinical reasoning to medical students, but currently this varies depending on medical school. 

The project has 3 components to get involved in: 

1. Questionnaire (5-10 minutes) 

2. Audio diaries (5-8 minutes, 3 to be completed) – during clinical attachments 

3. Focus groups (45 minutes) – April 2023 (after Year 6 Exams) 

If you would like to get involved please follow this link: https://imperial.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_01aA6FlKZCnA1Tg to complete the questionnaire and register for audio diaries/ focus groups.