Seniors and Sex: a talk by Dr Olwen Williams OBE

STASHH – the Student and Trainee Association for Sexual Health and HIV – are starting 2023 off with a fantastic talk on sex and older people! We’re delighted to have Dr Olwen Williams OBE presenting this talk and answering the question: Are Today’s Seniors the Original Teenagers? Dr Olwen Williams OBE is a consultant physician in Sexual Health &HIV medicine in North Wales and ILM7 executive coach and member. She is the assistant director of Clinical Leadership and Health Education and Innovation Wales. Currently Vice President at Royal College of Physicians Wales, and deputy chair for Academy of Royal Colleges in Wales, she has previously held a variety of leadership posts including – BASHH president 2018-2020 – Vice President Medical Women’s Federation – Trustee at National AIDS Trust Join us on 26th Jan from 7-8pm!

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