Critical Care International 2023 Student Essay Competition

The theme is ‘Community-based Change and Innovation’! 

The aim is to explore the impacts of communities across the globe on healthcare and to consider the role of community in the future of healthcare.  

In particular, this year’s competition focusses on the influence of arts and culture, increasing life expectancy and the ‘post pandemic experience’ on healthcare provision and behaviour, and is an opportunity to reflect on how these areas could influence sustainable healthcare solutions. 

Essay Titles: (one submission allowed per applicant)  

– Consider the role of the community, arts and culture in healthcare. 

– Explore the ‘post-pandemic’ impacts on healthcare-seeking behaviour. 

– Discuss the consequences of a longer life expectancy on healthcare. 

The essay competition is open to medical, nursing and paramedic students at recognised teaching institutions in the UK and the Netherlands.  

The winner will receive a prize of £300 and a free one-year membership from the Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare, with runners-up also being awarded prizes.

For further details on essay titles, submission parameters and judging criteria, please visit our website at, or follow us @critcareint on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.