Mind Health – MedSchool Survival Guide

We are writing to let you know that our free Med School Survival Guide is now available!

MindHealth for Medical Students is a charity that aims to promote and protect the mental health and wellbeing of medical students. This online guide has been designed to empower, engage and equip medical students be able to deal with their mental health and wellbeing when studying medicine and beyond. We have shared tips and evidence based strategies on what has helped us survive medical school. We give insights and advice on important aspects of mental health, strategies to implement that could help, good resources to use, and how to proactively improve overall wellbeing

This is available online and in PDF format, and it would be amazing if you could advertise this in any online communications that you have with medical students e.g. newsletter, email, social media as we think this is something that could be really beneficial. 

Here is the link to the website https://www.mindhealthuk.org/wellbeing-guide and attached below is a PDF of the wellbeing guide. 

We at Mind Health are always working to support you guys as much as possible, so if there any ideas for future guides or collaborations do not hesitate to reach out to us.