Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2023

Enter our 2023 national poster competition!

Deadline for poster entries is 3rd March 2023 
Share your QI and Patient Safety work at our 10th anniversary conferenceSee details of our poster competitionView our booklet of 160 posters presented in 2022View advice and a link to QI resources
Growing from strength to strengthWe have successfully grown the conference online over the past 3 years regularly attracting 300 delegates from across the UK – many sharing their QI and patient safety work through our national poster competition.

More competition details on our website here.

Who should apply? – junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, paramedics, physician associates, medical students and those working in care settings, among others. 
Up to 160 posters. Successful entries receive:An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation at a national conference* A discounted delegate rate of £169 (no VAT).Co-authors also qualify for the discounted rate.National conference poster presenter certificateThere will be a first prize and runner up for each poster group* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Three overarching poster categories:Quality Improvement (QI) in ProgressFull Quality Improvement Project (QIP)Patient safety auditThis is explained in our poster category guidance