AIM UK – International Med Student Guide Students Wanted!

The Association of International Medics UK (AIM UK) is a non-profit initiative established in 2021 by a group of international medical students training in the UK. AIM UK was started because we saw a gap in the support provided by institutions for international medics.

We believe that no international aspiring medic, medical student or doctor in the UK should be disadvantaged for not knowing someone further along the journey they are on. Thus, AIM UK aspires to bridge that gap in support around professional development and advocate for international medical students and doctors in the UK, without a focus on their country of origin or place of prior education.   

Asides from our work publishing weekly blog posts on our website ( about topics all the way from applying to medical school to becoming a consultant, we are looking to produce an international med student guide for release at the start of the 2023/24 academic year. 

This guide will be divided into six sections: 

– General Information – applicable for all years 

– First Month in the UK

– Pre-Clinical Years

– Clinical Years

– Intercalation

– Post Medical School

Each section will consist of personal experiences written by existing core team members of AIM UK and a team of international medical students/doctors across the UK, combined with information researched by teams in charge of each section.  

The expected timeline for production of the guide is as follows: 

How can I get involved?

To join the team producing the content for each section or support graphics/publicity efforts, please fill in the linked application form by the 13th of December to express your interest. All individuals involved in the production of this guide will receive a portfolio certificate and will be credited in the final version of the guide. 

The vacancies available are: 

– International Med Student Guide Officer x6 (1 per section) to lead the development of content for each section in the guide, supported by the Head of AIM UK

– Team Members x18 (3 per section) supported by the Officer for their respective section of the guide 

– Graphics Team Members x4 to develop graphics, supported by the Head of Graphics from AIM UK

– Marketing Team Members x2 to coordinate publicity efforts prior to and upon the release of the guide, supported by the Head of Marketing from AIM UK 

We will also be looking for a team of external reviewers to review the content of our guide once it has been assembled. If you are interested in being a reviewer, please get in touch with us via the email address listed below. 

Further details about this project can be found in a recorded presentation delivered by Jean, Head of AIM UK. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us via any of the listed contact details below.  

Contact details:

1. Instagram: @aim_uk_ 

2. Twitter: @aim_uk_ 

3. LinkedIn: 

4. Email: