PACES Talks for Final Years: Glenister Lecture Theatre

Join Dr Retesh Bajaj at 11am, Saturday 26th November for five short PACES cases and how to ace them!

What to expect:

– An in-person tutorial from a senior cardiology SpR who studied at Imperial and examines for PACES
– We strongly recommend attending live as Dr Bajaj will be demonstrating some key clinical signs
– Cases will be “Short Cases” fare – selected from Endocrine, Rheumatology, Dermatology
– AND associated SBAs and high-yield facts

About Dr Bajaj:

“I did all my training a Imperial and am an ACF and senior interventional cardiology SpR at UCL and Barts now. In my finals I graduated with triple honours, prizes and was shortlisted for the London Medal. I’ve been teaching finals revision courses since then and for the last 5 years every single year people who came to my final year revision course have won the London Medal.”

If you are unable to attend the session in person, there is an optional Zoom attendance link: