Imperial Medics. Help us Level the Playing Field!

I’m Tom. Undergraduate Talent Lead at Zero Gravity. We’ve currently got 500+ prospective medicine students eager to be matched with an undergraduate mentor – 133 have Imperial College London Medical School as their first choice! So, we’re doing a big push to ensure everyone gets matched! 💫

Zero Gravity is a free online mentoring platform that propels students from low-income backgrounds into top universities. We’re transforming the accessibility of higher education for state school students. So far, we’ve generated:

Our mission is simple. But to get there, we need your help!

To reach our goals of securing the futures of talented students around the UK, we need to reach more socially minded mentors at UK universities. 

If you feel that you resonate with our mission, I would be very grateful if you could share Zero Gravity with your network of social mobility-minded students, using the resources available here

Or, find out more and signup on our website below.

Thank you!