Exploring GP Portfolio Careers Event!

Would you like to know more about what a GP portfolio career really means? To learn whether a career as a portfolio GP is something you’d consider in future? This event will bring together GPs with a range of portfolio careers and give you the chance to hear what influenced them to embark on this interesting and varied clinical role. There will be both a panel presentation to get top tips from speakers before we then run a group networking session to allow you to ask your own questions to our diverse speakers. This will be followed by informal drinks/nibbles with a chance to talk with our speakers. Join us for this unique opportunity to explore this exciting career!

WHEN: Tuesday 16th August 6:00pm – 7:30pm

WHERE: Glenister Lecture Theatre, Charing Cross Campus Free Entry! Registration for event: 

https://imperial.targetconnect.net/leap/event.html?id=18077&service=Careers%20Service Facebook event: https://tinyurl.com/bdewket6