Code Blue OSCE Crew is a national student-led teaching platform led by Manchester medical students and resident doctors (open to all!) to bring you WEEKLY OSCE practice online (and in-person) to develop your OSCE confidence early on!
Sessions focus on OSCE skills such as:
- chest x-ray interpetation
- specialty focused history-taking
- prescribing and pharmacy stations
- ethics and law discussions, M&M and F&C
- Finals-focused revision will also follow later in the year!
- In-person examination teaching and mock CCAs in Manchester and Preston
30 minutes of formal teaching followed by immediate small group OSCE mock practice with feedback from senior medical students – absolutely no pressure, no stress, just a supportive learning environment to help you improve your clinical skills.
Sign up for sessions now via MedAll:
Sign up to VOLUNTEER and get some validated teaching experience (same link – join the WhatsApp group) – get feedback and teaching certificates/letters for your portfolio.
In affiliation with Geeky Medics and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association.